Enumclaw Divorce Attorney


When your family finds itself in a family court proceeding you each will feel as if your dreams have been broken. Each member of your family is affected by the outcome of a divorce or other family legal matters. Your own personal welfare is best served by a competent and concerned legal professional.

  • Divorce Law
  • Legal Separation
  • Paternity Suits
  • Adoption & Legal Guardianship

Gearheard Law Office will look out for your own interest and future throughout your divorce litigation or mediation process. If you select Brad Gearheard he will sit down with you listen carefully to your concerns and protect your future with strong and supported legal advice.

Enumclaw Family Law Attorney


Brad is experienced at divorce litigation and a highly skilled mediator. He will thoroughly prepare your case, including evaluating your settlement options prior to any negotiations. He will use his best efforts to achieve an outcome that suits your emotional state and makes the best use of your resources, however limited they might be.

Brad works one on one with each client, making productive use of each client meeting. Brad is the only attorney and therefore each family law client will get his full attention.

Brad's experience in both King and Pierce County and his familiarity with the courts and the judges involved gives him insight into the results you might expect to achieve. He can and will answer any of your questions or concerns regarding the future of your family and yourself as it relates to the legal system.

Enumclaw Divorce Lawyer


During your initial meeting with us to discuss the divorce process we can likely reduce your anxiety and help you understand the complexity of your personal case.

These are some basic things you can bring to your first appointment to take advantage of getting the most information and the best advice during your time with our divorce lawyer:

  • Tax returns for the past five years including all attachments
  • Net worth statements
  • Copies of retirement plans and statements of IRA’s
  • Real estate deeds and tax bills
  • Declaration pages of all life insurance policies
  • Medical insurance information for you, your spouse and children
  • Group life insurance policies for you and your spouse through your employment
  • Bank accounts, numbers, balances and exact names on each account
  • Records of brokerage accounts, stocks and bonds
  • Names of all businesses in which you each have an ownership interest
  • Trust agreements and accounts listing you or your spouse as a trustee or beneficiary
  • Written appraisals of any property owned by you, your spouse, or both
  • Records of all credit cards with exact account names, numbers, balances and charges, and any cash advances for the previous year
  • Mortgage information on real estate
  • Records of all loans

Call Gearheard Law Offices to schedule a consultation with a concerned legal professional to answer questions and concerns regarding your personal welfare. (253) 905-3605